About Us
Welcome to NJAPSA! We celebrated our 50th Anniversary as we were founded in 1971. NJAPSA's history of continuing growth comes from the active participation of over 150 statewide Administrators of Special Services and their dedication to sharing ideas and strategies to provide quality student services. In addition, the association offers mentorship and assistance for new administrators and is the source of professional development activities designed to support the unique needs of all pupil service administrators.
General Membership Benefits:
Affiliation with the national association, National Association of Pupil Services Administrators, and through it, sharing information with other state associations throughout the country.Networking with colleagues locally, and nationally.
- Association publications include this Website, Legislative Updates, Newsletters, and the Membership Directory.
- Promotion of public policy and setting professional standards.
- A voice in Trenton as our Executive Board has regular communication with New Jersey State Department of Education officials through our legislative committee, which provides us with a vehicle for both input to and feedback from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
- Opportunities to attend NJAPSA sponsored conferences at the membership rate (Director's Academy, Mini-Legal Conferences and virtual professional development events). Also, opportunities to attend co-sponsored PD with NJPSA (Directors' Toolkit & Innovations in Special Education Technology) and the Annual co-sponsored NJASA/NJAPSA Spring Leadership Conference.
Access to NJAPSA's updated Child Study Team Manual
New Directors Cohort Membership Benefits
- All of the above, including the annual membership fee
- 5 full day Professional Development Sessions designed specifically for Cohort members
- Full year of mentorship (Mentor assigned through the NJAPSA Board of Trustees)
Advanced Cohort Membership Benefits
- All Membership Benefits, including the Annual Membership Fee
- 3 Full Day Professional Development Sessions