Dr. Theodore Kozlik Scholarship Program
The New Jersey Association of Pupil Services Administrators’ Association is proud to announce that we are sponsoring Dr. Theodore Kozlik Scholarship Program for June 2024 high school graduates. Applicants must be classified as eligible for special education services, pursuing post-secondary education and sponsored by a NJAPSA member. Please note only those applications will be accepted by districts that are paid members of NJAPSA for the 2023-24 school year.
Dr. Theodore Kozlik dedicated his life to serving and supporting others, especially within the special education community on the local, state and national level.
The Ted Kozlik Memorial Scholarship Fund will honor Ted’s lifetime work as a leader of leaders and ensure that the values he embraced will go forward with those who will live in a future that does not yet exist.
Six (6) - $1,000.00 Scholarships; Two (2) per each, Northern, Central and Southern Regions will be awarded by the NJAPSA Scholarship Committee.
Students should demonstrate some or all of the following:
- Motivation to succeed academically
- Participation in school and extracurricular activities
- Community Service including volunteerism
- Employment experiences
- Self-Directed
- Leadership skills
All candidates must graduate high school by June 2023. These scholarships may be for any aspect of a post-secondary program, including 2 or 4 year colleges, technical/trade schools, business schools, fine art institutes or other recognized post-secondary institutions.
The application is due by April 1, 2024. Please download the application from the link below (if using Google docs, make a copy) Complete the application, scan/attach completed applications and email to:
Marci Grabelle, NJAPSA Executive Director (executivedirector@njapsa.org).
Please include in the email subject line: NJAPSA Scholarship, your district, applicants last name and the NJAPSA Sponsor's last name.
Follow this link to a PDF of the scholarship application: